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I pledge to:


  1. Control and protect my own thoughts, exposures, and behaviors.

  2. Encourage loved ones to do the same.

  3. Encourage the media to stop exploiting our inherent human sexual vulnerabilities.

  4. Encourage social institutions to actively protect children from “anything-goes” sexuality.

  5. Encourage governments to label all sexually explicit entertainment as “harmful to public health.”

  6. Encourage counseling for the purpose of the healing and recovery of sexual victims and addicts.

  7. Encourage natural families, as best we can, so children can have a safe and wholesome refuge.

  8. Pray that God will change our hearts and rescue us from the power of the Sexual Holocaust.

  9. Diligently seek ways to reduce the multiple levels of harm arising from “anything-goes” sexuality.

  10. To help sound the alarm about the Sexual Holocaust to those within my sphere of influence and within my community.

I will take this pledge and join the cause!

Thanks for taking the pledge and joining the cause!
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